Thursday, July 25, 2013

Getting Married and Transitions in Marriage

So we started this discussion by talking about what makes a good marriage. When most girls think of their wedding day, they think about this amazing and huge event where friends and family join to celebrate with the man of their dreams. There is an amazing cake, the reception has a great theme with glamorous or perfect decorations that go along with the theme, great food and music, etc. From an LDS perspective, we need to think what is really important; especially when we are college students who are getting married. Most of us have barely enough food to feed ourselves or go out and have fun, how can we afford an extravagant wedding when we can barely provide for ourselves individually? Well that's when the beauty of having connections with the church members comes in handy. So many people at church have wonderful talents to share, and are more than willing to help when they know is to help you have a special day for your wedding. You don't need to spend thousands or even millions of dollars to have an amazing wedding! What really matters and is the most important is that you are getting sealed for eternity to your partner. That should be your main focus. The fact that you've found that someone who Heavenly Father has specifically prepared for you, and you for him/her, and you're finally going to be sealed to them forever. I'm not going to lie, I was pretty focused on what I wanted my bridesmaids, and reception to look like, and honestly I regret spending so much time on it. Everything that could go wrong, pretty much did the day of my wedding; and at the end it didn't matter because I was just so happy to be married to my husband. Moving on to transitions in marriage; we all think that because we are marrying our best friend everything is going to be "practically perfect in every way". Reality is that, that is not the way it is, don't get me wrong marriage  can be full of happiness, but there are challenges and struggles along the way. For example, you have to get used to sharing a bed and blankets, money, bathroom, food, privacy, etc. Some are very easy to get use to, while others take some time; it's different for everyone. Especially when some people date for a few weeks, get engaged, and get married in within a month or 2!! My husband and I dated for 2 years before we got married and our first marriage anniversary is next month, and we are still learning so much from each other. They say that the first year is the hardest, but the truth is that every year there are new challenges and it depends on how you work it through together on how your marriage will be in the future. How you transition in your marriage is how you'll handle many of your future disagreements, and challenges, but that is what marriage is about working together.

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